Whispers of the Dragon available August 1
The fantasy novel "Whispers of the Dragon" will be released on August 1, 2018 through Amazon.com! You can pre-order the Kindle version now. The paperback is in final proofing and publication work.
The fantasy novel "Whispers of the Dragon" will be released on August 1, 2018 through Amazon.com! You can pre-order the Kindle version now. The paperback is in final proofing and publication work.
About the Book This is a fantasy novel, set in a world where magic and dragons exist. In this world of Saltwave, the struggle between Light and Shadow is real and it touches the everyday lives of the people who live there. The story follows the journey of a young man gifted with a very [...]
I am getting set for the next National Novel Writing Month marathon (NaNoWriMo)! This year's project will be the first novel I have written in the Saltwave roleplaying game setting that I created way back in 1990. Whispers of the Dragon will feature a gifted young man who could become a paladin, if he could [...]
The Tranquility Chip by Steve Semler My rating: Irrelevant... I'm the author! "The Tranquility Chip" story was suggested by developments in neuroscience and my consulting and HR work. A good chunk of what I do with adult learning and organizational effectiveness involves finding ways to help people overcome resistance or fear of change. That got [...]